Alouette de Fentenge Landing NotesAlouette de Fentenge logo typographiqueexpand_more

About us

Everyone who is between 4 and 16 years old and has a passion for singing, is welcome in the children's choir of the Fentange Alouetten! In addition to the numerous performances, the children's choir also performs at other events. If you are interested in taking part, you can come to our rehearsal room at the Fentange school or contact us on Friday evening at 5 pm. We are looking forward to it.

10 - 16

Children sing a wide variety of songs and play music games to encourage social interaction, physical co-ordination and self-confidence. They learn to pitch melodies in their heads, grasp pulse and rhythm.

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5 - 7
years old

7 - 9
years old

10 - 16
years old

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